Wednesday, January 31, 2007



PittsburghJack said...

Hear. Hear. Here. Here! Hear! Here!

(Sorry - couldn't resist!)

Richmond K. Turner said...

Gosh Jimmy, it's been almost 36 hours without a post from you. We miss you, sweet cheeks! Come on back and tell us what shitheads we all are! Please!

Ms. Monongahela, Ms. Chief Editor said...

RKT: He must be suffering from the dreaded "writer's block" -- and for shame, so soon. That usually doesn't happen for a least a few months.

I'm sure it's just a matter of days before we're treated to a "sorry for not posting, I've been having to deal with personal issues" post. Followed by the "yes, I'm OK, everyone!" post. Followed by the "So, I started my Saturday off with a Bruegger's bagel and hunkered down in my favorite chair with a few skeins of yarn," and then the "why doesn't she love me like she used to?" post.

I'm sure he'll be back in the groove in no time.

Patience, my friend.

Bram Reichbaum said...

I'm pretty sure he was baked when he put that page up, anyhow.

Ol' Froth said...

Oh come on! You spend eight hours a day at your taxpayer funded portal! Surely you can find time to post while you work!

Smitty said...

Reproductive,have you been spayed and neutered??